
The knee is the largest and one of the most important joints in the body. It plays an essential role in movement. Without your knees you would have problems with sitting, walking, running and with many other forms of movement.

The knee joint may seem like a simple hinge joint, but it is a very complex joint that has many parts that move in different directions and many supporting structures. Not surprisingly it is commonly injured and can undergo degeneration (arthritis) as we get older. This can result in pain and the inability to perform the activities you love to do.

At Adelaide Hip and Knee Centre our specialised team understands the knee. We use the latest techniques to help you recover from your knee problems quickly to allow you to live the life you want.


The information held on this page is for educational purposes only.

Individual results may vary from patient to patient and not all patients are suitable for this treatment. Please consult your specialist prior to considering any medical intervention.

As with any surgery, knee replacement surgery has serious risks associated with it and these should be considered prior to deciding to proceed.

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